1. 非空旋(空旋又名离合式)的五舌锁体:经测试,这种锁体不能从门处破坏把手开门,完全符合防盗标准;
2. 国际标准五锁舌结构:有防橇保险舌和室内反锁大方舌,具机械钥匙应急开门;
3. 锁体采用原版进口模具冲压成型:结构紧凑、机械联动性好,开启畅顺。锁体应用2MM钢板,保证开启五十万次以上;
4. 防钻、防橇的面板设计, 面板表面处理经加强型防氧化处理;
5. 电路微电脑芯片控制,电路自带住处纠错功能,使电路更稳定;
6. 电池欠压报警功能;
7. 电路超低功耗,抗干扰设计。
1. 严紧的时间限制功能:锁心内置时钟,通过严紧的时间设置,当客人住房到期后,房卡自动失效,有效避免客人拖欠房租现象;
2. 多级别匙卡,权责分明:根据酒店管理需求可自行设置总卡、楼栋卡、楼层卡、清洁卡、宾客卡;
3. 请勿打扰功能,更显酒店友好形象:客人进入客房后打上反锁,服务员便无法开门打扰(应急情况使用应急卡除外);
4. 匙卡挂失功能,终止匙卡灵活:匙卡丢失后,经前台管理系统简单的设置,则丢失的匙卡失效,客人便可以高枕无忧;
5. 开门记录查询功能,加多一份安全:门锁内带资料“黑匣子&dquo;,可记录门锁历史开门记录(何时何“人&dquo;用何种方式开门),以便查询;
6. 可增设功能:根据酒店需要可以增设智能卡保险箱、智能卡取电、智能卡乘电梯、智能卡结算付费等实现一卡多用,更有助提高酒店的档次和减少酒店的资源和人力。
1. 全模拟酒店前台操作管理,集预订、入住、续房、换房、匙卡挂失、退房等一系列功能于一身,可进行各类信息的查询、报表的生成和打印;
2. 界面美观、清晰,容易操作,一目了然。
锁面尺寸:高300mm 宽83mm 厚26.5mm。
锁芯尺寸:高204mm 宽106mm 厚23mm;
电 源:DC 6V, 4节7#(AAA)电池;
* Colo: stainless steel colo* Geman-style* Event handle stuctue, anti-extenal damage.* Ameican Standad 5 Bolt-linked electonic cylinde.* Time contol, to limit the opening hous, to avoid emindes due to guests, consume embaassment.* Any open ecods available though the collecto and softwae queies.* Anti-lock Xiecha alam to emind the non-nomal state.
Hotel locks basic technical paametes of inteconnection* Opeating voltage: 6V.4 section of high-enegy alkaline batteies* Static powe consumption: "15 mA* Dynamic powe consumption: 120 mA ~ 180 milliampees* Battey life: Nomal use of 4 months to 6 months* Low-voltage alam: when the voltage dops below 4.8V o so, but also open the doo fo moe than dozens of times* Emegency Open: not subject to any contol, even if the paty locked tongue can also open the doo* Open the time: Afte pessing the doo handle an effective, do not open the doo lock automatically 10 seconds* Reliability: continuous nomal 1000 cad will not be a mistake* Unlock ecod: lock the stoage of the latest 350* Ensuing conditions: access to any illegal cads, lock-cicuit will not be damaged, still nomal use* Mechanical keys: with the tansmission completely independent mechanical emegency unlocking mechanism, to ensue an emegency doo still open nomally* Installation Requiement: Doo thickness 38-35mm in between, if the doo suface is decoated, then the lace should be moe than 105mm away fom the doo in the* Opeating tempeatue: 10 ℃ -70 ℃ (special equiements fo up to 35 ℃ -85 ℃)